What a fantastic night we all had at the Sands Centre on Tuesday evening.
I am sure that you will all agree our children did us proud! Their performance was absolutely stunning. To hear the audience laughing at the humour in the performance was magical. The choreography was perfect and all the lines were delivered with feeling and skill.
It was not only their performance on stage that was stunning. We received so many positive comments about the behaviour and the manners of our children from staff at the Sands Centre as well as staff from CET. I would like to thank all our families for supporting this event and encouraging very nervous children to push themselves out of their comfort zone. The delight and pride on their faces was priceless!
I would like to finally thank our wonderful staff who made this night possible. Miss Hill has worked incredibly hard putting the performance together as has Miss Jameson ensuring the children were word perfect for the songs.
We are already thinking about what we will do for the next event. Watch this space!
Helen Wright.
Head of School.