“Pure Mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas” – Albert Einstein

Maths Curriculum Overview 2024-25

The base of our Maths curriculum is centred around the use of White Rose Maths scheme of learning but ensuring we have small steps that are broken down for each year group.  Our aim is for children to have a positive attitude towards Maths. This is achieved by having a curriculum that builds up year on year from Nursery to Year 6.

Maths lessons are taught daily and develop fluency by allowing children to show their reasoning skills before applying these to solve problems. We support children in developing their resilience through using concrete, pictorial and abstract approaches so that every child can succeed.

We have a clear progression of skills which give ambitious outcomes for all our children. Our children understand why they are learning these skills and how they lead to future developing aspirations

Multiplication Tables Check

To support children in learning their times tables, each child from Years 2-6 spend 10 minutes daily on Times Tables Rock Stars. Children can access this from home too.

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)