Friends of Tebay School (FOTS) are a group of parents and supporters who organise fundraising events to provide additional resources and experiences for the children at Tebay School.

For further information or if you would like to join us, please contact the school.

Fundraising events from September 2019 include:

24 hour bike ride raising £1101.24.

Bingo raising £230.00

Carol singing at Westmorland Services raising £209.41

School Christmas Fair raising £240.16

Winter Warmer raising £316.00

Bags2school collection raising £392.00

Raffle raising £200.00

Sale of recipe books raising £212.00

The money collected enabled FOTS to help fund:

Subscriptions to Times Tables Rockstar and First News.

A reading den for Class 2

Coach hire to the cinema.

Books for Class 1

Number tiles for Class 2

Instruments for Class 1

Year 6 leavers dictionaries

Christmas presents for the whole school

100 Club – FOTS have set up a 100 club fundraising draw.

100 tickets, 50p per week (£23 for the full year),  3 prizes per week £10, £5 and £5 and 6 bonus half termly draws of £25. The first draw will take place on the first Friday of the academic year in September and every Friday thereafter.

if anyone is interested (please tell family and friends) please see Rachel Lowis or Tracy Morland.