Dear Parents
I am pleased to attach a copy of Tebay Schools recent Ofsted Inspection which will be published this week. Tebay School is officially a GOOD school.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support over the last 18 months. From the minute I stepped into the school I knew this could be a good school and now we have the proof that it is. That is down to the continued loyalty of you and the belief that this could happen.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our committed staff and LAB members, especially those who have stuck with the school through thick and thin. They are a brilliant team who deserve this outcome.
Inevitably, we still have areas to improve on. These are the continued development of the assessment of foundation subjects (history, geography, art etc), which was new in the school in September, and to increase the opportunities for our children to learn about the diverse society we live in. These are already key in our development plans for the rest of this term and next year.
However, for me, the next step is to get all our children back to school. Tebay School is not quite Tebay School without them all and we do miss them!
Many thanks
Yours sincerely
Lisa Bland